He is only nineteen, but he's better than Roy Keane!!!! He is not a great goalscorer but it seems he is a scorer of great goals! - arsenal.com about Rosicky
ну и я иногда залезаю - но вижу, что красненьких квадратиков нет и ухожу... He is only nineteen, but he's better than Roy Keane!!!! He is not a great goalscorer but it seems he is a scorer of great goals! - arsenal.com about Rosicky
ага He is only nineteen, but he's better than Roy Keane!!!! He is not a great goalscorer but it seems he is a scorer of great goals! - arsenal.com about Rosicky
problerma v tom 4to nad kakto vsexx prevle4 a narod ne xo4et ..Predstavte sebe kakogonibud attura ili raimonda kotorie s interesom stro4at sses..Sme6no=)) Galante